Friday, March 1, 2013

Reasons To Not Co-Sleep

1. You should not co-sleep with your baby if you like getting up 6 times a night to feed/change/make sure they're still breathing.

2. You should not co-sleep if you don't like morning cuddles followed by falling asleep for an extra two hours.

3. You should not co-sleep if you don't want to hear dream giggles.

4. You should not co-sleep if you don't want to be able to chase away dream sobbing with the touch of a hand or sleep nursing.

5. You should not co-sleep if you don't want an extra bed-warmer in the winter.

6. You should not co-sleep if you like arguing about bedtime.

7. You should not co-sleep if you don't like the smell of baby hair.

8. You should not co-sleep if you don't want to create a strong sense of security in your child.

9. You should not co-sleep if you don't want to provide subconscious breathing cues and heart beat patterns as your baby is learning to breathe while they sleep.

10. You should not co-sleep if you don't like little fingers reaching to make sure you're still there for them.

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