Wednesday, August 31, 2011

This Week:

This week I survived a screaming banshee attack with more poise than I thought possible.
This week I learned that my mom is a better mom than me... with toddlers anyway.
This week I ate local food almost everyday.
This week I figured out how to get Toby to brush his teeth with no tears.... for two nights in a row at least... we'll see how long that lasts.
This week I sanded, plastered, and sanded, and plastered the walls of the downstairs bathroom. I am Ms.Bob the Builder.
This week I bought into the Bob the Builder merchandise...after a year of withholding....Toby watched the same movie three and a half times today.
This week Toby's new skill is immediately picking up words in songs, then singing along, then singing them to himself the rest of the day.
This week I made two batches of carob zucchini muffins a day apart, because Toby ate them all in a day and a half..
This week I reaffirmed my love for Value Village.
This week, upon being in Value Village, realized there are 61 days until Halloween!
This week I reaffirmed my love for the gourmet food section in Homesense.
This week I cleaned all the toys in the workshop and re-shelved them.
This week I blanched and froze 16 margerine tubs of beans... to add to the already large number I had in the freezer... mmmmm fresh beans for the winter.
This week I silently criticized a mother's attitude towards her kid at the library, and then realized later that day that I've been using the same tone with Toby occasionally.
This week I harvested like a kabillion tomatoes from the garden.
This week my grandparents (next door) are away, and I didn't realize how lonely the property is without them.
This week I ate that magic dinosaur oatmeal for the first time.
This week I realized that the summer is pretty much over, and I didn't visit with as many people as I was planning to.
This week I realized I haven't done a Positive Party post in a long time, but can't think of a good subject.
This week I started my sewing projects again, only to again take on too much and now it's all sitting in a heap on the sewing table... again... and yet here I sit on the computer...
This week I received an insufficient funds message while buying groceries for the second time this year/ever. I usually plan things out better.
This week I fell in love with Fred Penner again.
This week I loathed no-nap Toby, but now that the mood is a bit calmer I am enjoying the earlier bed time.
This week I learned that my dad's idea for barbequeing tomatoes, was not a good idea.
This week, I'm still alive, a little more tired, and a little wiser.